Wednesday, May 14, 2008

On the Way Over

On the way to school to I noticed this lady talking to herself. She was wearing a lot of clothes for today, it's a little to warm for all that shes was really stange. She was talking about how the people at her job are no good and she's been there for like 54 years and they treat her really bad and shes just going on and on all to herself so I just made music really loud and that was the end of her. So far school has been going really well I've been getting all my work in which just gives me one less thing to think about. Other then school I have to keep and eye out for my younger sister make sure shes doing the right thing at school. Also my younger cousin Amanda, is graduating from 8th grade so we've been making trips to the mall for her dress and shoes and anything else she might need. Yesterday I went to play handball for the first time in a while, It was really fun my friend jacinda and I bet my sister and her friend we are going to start playing at least once a week.

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