Wednesday, June 25, 2008

All Done

I'm really very proud of myself, I handed all my work in took all my finals except english gonna get it today and did the best I could. I really feel like I put my all into all my work. I had this project for my food and beverage class were we had to make a menu, it was definitly the biggest project I ever had to do. I I'm so happy thats over with I took a lot to complete, but I feel like I could do it even better one day if I ever get to have my own restaurant. This term as a whole was really very good I hope the next one is similar. For my vacation I might go to california for a week. My cousin lives in there, and I need a little time away from New York just to get a new take on things. Then when I get back I'll be nice and refreshed.

Monday, June 16, 2008

Coming to the end!

The end of the term is coming up, an all the assginments due at the same time. This always happen's and I wait until the last minute for everything, I really hate doing this to myself and I keep doing it. Next term I really will try to stop this and keep up with things so I don't have to get so stressed out at the last minute. Then of couse when I'm getting really busy with my school work its's the perfect time for my boyfriend to start fighting with me so I have one more thing to worry about its just really hard being young. I bet people are like it's great to be young what are you talking about? But really Its hard because your prepareing for later things in life and its a lot of work. Then when you get a job and eveything your life is set so I would imagin things will get a bit less stressful but who knows it depends on your lifestyle eveyone is different. One week eveything is great then the next week things go bananas. My boyfriend is flipping out because my ex-boyfriend has picture of me on his myspace and really what did I do? The pictures aren"t on my page so I really don't get it, anyway I think I won't stress it too much because all my assignments are due and that in my eyes is a little more important that some issue about pictures. Hopefully this will all be delt with.

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Its been a Great couple of weeks for me.

The Beach opened may26 and it was a beautiful day. It was maybe 75 degrees out, so I took my little cousin Amanda to the beach, however it was a little windy so we went back to the house to lay on the deck. Another big think that happened in the last couple weeks was the best movie ever came out, SEX AND THE CITY!!! I love, love, loved it. I actually cried a little during the middle, Big didn't show up to the wedding so it was off, but the ending was great so it was definially a great movie. Carry has been chasing Big for 9 years and finally they got married. I think I like the movie so much because I was chasing after my boyfriend for about 5 years until I finally got him to ask me out. Main reason he wouldn't talk to me because when I first met him I was 15 and he was 23. So Now that I got older he finally gave me a chance, and we've been going out for 10 months now and it's been great. Anytime I see him so hear his name I get all smily and we almost never fight, he's been the best boyfriend I've ever had.
I made up my new schedule for the summer quarter yesterday, I really like it . I didn't really think I was going to enjoy school so much. Anyway I'm happy I do, it's been a great experience so far and even when I'm finished here I think I might even continue going on to anther school. It kinda make's me feel like a kid still even though I'm getting older.