Wednesday, June 4, 2008

Its been a Great couple of weeks for me.

The Beach opened may26 and it was a beautiful day. It was maybe 75 degrees out, so I took my little cousin Amanda to the beach, however it was a little windy so we went back to the house to lay on the deck. Another big think that happened in the last couple weeks was the best movie ever came out, SEX AND THE CITY!!! I love, love, loved it. I actually cried a little during the middle, Big didn't show up to the wedding so it was off, but the ending was great so it was definially a great movie. Carry has been chasing Big for 9 years and finally they got married. I think I like the movie so much because I was chasing after my boyfriend for about 5 years until I finally got him to ask me out. Main reason he wouldn't talk to me because when I first met him I was 15 and he was 23. So Now that I got older he finally gave me a chance, and we've been going out for 10 months now and it's been great. Anytime I see him so hear his name I get all smily and we almost never fight, he's been the best boyfriend I've ever had.
I made up my new schedule for the summer quarter yesterday, I really like it . I didn't really think I was going to enjoy school so much. Anyway I'm happy I do, it's been a great experience so far and even when I'm finished here I think I might even continue going on to anther school. It kinda make's me feel like a kid still even though I'm getting older.

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