Monday, June 16, 2008

Coming to the end!

The end of the term is coming up, an all the assginments due at the same time. This always happen's and I wait until the last minute for everything, I really hate doing this to myself and I keep doing it. Next term I really will try to stop this and keep up with things so I don't have to get so stressed out at the last minute. Then of couse when I'm getting really busy with my school work its's the perfect time for my boyfriend to start fighting with me so I have one more thing to worry about its just really hard being young. I bet people are like it's great to be young what are you talking about? But really Its hard because your prepareing for later things in life and its a lot of work. Then when you get a job and eveything your life is set so I would imagin things will get a bit less stressful but who knows it depends on your lifestyle eveyone is different. One week eveything is great then the next week things go bananas. My boyfriend is flipping out because my ex-boyfriend has picture of me on his myspace and really what did I do? The pictures aren"t on my page so I really don't get it, anyway I think I won't stress it too much because all my assignments are due and that in my eyes is a little more important that some issue about pictures. Hopefully this will all be delt with.

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